Guthaus Dishley bei Friedland (Dishley House near Friedland)

In 1817 it came into the possession of the Baron Langermann and Erlenkamp.

Friedland, Deutschland

The modern Dishley used to be called Treppersdorf. In memory of his visit to Dishley Grange in Leicestershire, England, and the English agriculturist Robert Bakewell (1725-1795), Johann August Schlettwein renamed the estate and the surrounding village at the end of the 18th century. He also built the single-storey manor house with its crooked hip roof.
In 1817, Dishley came into the possession of the baron Langermann and Erlencamp, whose land holdings amounted to around 3.000 hectares and several church patronages.
Like so many other estates, Dishley was expropriated and divided up after World War II as part of the land reform.
The house accommodated war refugees and was later used for residential purposes. During the cold war, there was a Konsum (general store and supermarket) and a post office. The great salon served as the community’s cultural space.
In 1997, the estate was sold and in 2000, the Diakonieverein Stargarder Land (diaconical and social welfare society) began renovations of the property.
Today, the manor offers 16 beds for an inpatient therapy facility for young people.
The village currently has 70 residents and is an outer borough of the city of Friedland.

In der Nähe

Gutshaus Altwigshagen (Altwigshagen Hall)

What two world wars and the cold war could not destroy, slowly fell to decay over the last three decades

Gutshaus Ballin (Ballin Hall)

Of special note: features a baroque octagonal closed lantern crowning the roof and a two-storey six-axis porch.

Gutshaus (Herrenhaus) Cosa (Cosa Hall)

Cosa was originally a house made of many farm houses which was subordinated to the Brohm Hall.
